Friday, April 29, 2022

Masking Tape Shoes

Final Photos


They Fit!


Paper Mock-Up

Making Panels

Testing Size

Almost Done!

Gregor's Room


Locked In
A visual response to the short story The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka.
Materials: White Copy Paper, Ink (No Adhesives)
The bed measures 4" x 5 1/2" x 8".


Artist Statement

    This sculpture collection reflects my interpretation of the short story The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka.  In the story, Gregor is described to instinctively lock all doors, including at home, out of habit after spending so much time at hotels.  When he finally rises from his bed after dealing with the initial shock of his transformation, he attempts to unlock his door at his family's request, secreting brown goo over the object as he turns it.  With this in mind, I decided that he would be best represented as a key to call back to this defining habit and his more introverted nature, and the goo coating the key shows the disruption of his routines through his metamorphosis.  Being based on the first part of the story, I wanted the room overall well kept with only small things being off, such as the dirty key, untucked bed, and dingy colors.  Gregor describes his room as average, so I kept any fancy flourishes to a minimum, depicting the walls as white and his bed a simple wooden frame.


Initial Sketch

Cutting Paper for Pulp

Making Pulp

Applying Pulp

First Test of Standing Door

Figurative Bust Sculpture


Stop the Cycle
Materials: Air-dry Clay, Ink, Cardboard, Glue, Drywall Compound, Acrylic Paint, Wire
Baseboard 12" x 9" x 12". Cat Sculpture 3½" x 2¼" x 2". Human Sculpture 3¼" x 2½" x 2"

Bust 1

Bust 2

Stop the Cycle focuses on addressing the stray cat overpopulation on the streets by reversing the roles between humans and cats.  Kittens born outside are highly susceptible to getting upper respiratory infections and other eye injuries (as well as other things), so I took both these qualities and gave to the human bust, which I then placed in the alley hidden in cardboard as feral cats are often found.  On the other hand, the cat is clean and well kept, set on the privileged sidewalk, and looking away from the problem.  The base's dirtied floor and brick wall emphasize the grungy alleyway that the human bust is cast into by the cat's actions, or more accurately, lack of action.

Some of the best sources come from individuals who are passionate and personally, in this case making YouTube videos that provide instructional and informational videos on rescuing kittens and providing aide, as well as how to end the cycle (CONTENT WARNING FOR GRAPHIC INJURIES).

Flatbush Cats

Flatbush Cats is a nonprofit working exclusively in their area of New York towards ending the stray cat overpopulation with TNR and affordable spay and neuter centers, as well as adopting out as many cats as they have the resources for.  They don't shy away from showing the gruesome yet heartfelt side of rescue, and two of their videos (Video 1 and Video 2) is where I got the inspiration for the bulging kitten eyes.

The Kitten Lady

Both on YouTube and Instagram, The Kitten Lady works exclusively with kittens, especially neonatal kittens, who usually have been separated from their mothers and have to be raised by hand.  These kittens usually don't stand much chance of surviving in over-crowded shelters, so she provides resources for those wanting to help and is constantly pioneering new ways for others to help kittens (such as those with specials needs).

Orphan Kitten Club

Founded by Hannah Shaw (The Kitten Lady) and other passionate rescue volunteers, Orphan Kitten Club advocates that every kitten deserves living despite of any challenges that they might face.  Kittens that previously might have otherwise been ethnized all over the US get a chance at life with grants to become "Mighty Cats," or cats who overcame hardship to live long and happy lives.  While the other two resources provide a look at more immediate action, Orphan Kitten Club showcases the effect that this helping out can have.


Additional Images

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Dinner and a Movie

The Responsibility Dilemma
Various Objects and Materials
Inspired by The Spongebob Squarepants Movie (2004)

    This image encapsulates the core themes from the movie of taking responsibility without losing the self.  The main character acts childish but is also capable of handling responsibility, but after being denied a work promotion due to his childishness, he goes on a journey to prove himself able of handling the dream job without losing what makes him who he is.  This photo explores this conflict of self by visualizing this divided conflict, with the left side containing colorful and immature elements contrasted with the right side's structure and mature elements.  The overlap of the objects and switching of the spoons solidifies this struggle between wanting to "grow up" and not leave behind things that bring joy.

100 Objects

100 Plastic Dixie Cups in a Shower

100 Plastic Dixie Cups under a Sink

100 Plastic Dixie Cups on a Large Chessboard

Ceratyr/David (Ceramics II - Spring 2023)

Ceratyr / David Ceramics, Brushed Yarn, Wire, Masking Tape, White Glue, Chalk Pastels (dyeing yarn), Mixed Media David pictured with his pre...